Long term fruit and vegetable storage

Self Reliance Exchange continues their long term food storage series with Step 7: Fruits & Veggies. This is a big one. Grains, legumes, and so on are all good, but fruits and vegetables make those others more versatile and offer important nutrition. They recommend growing your own, but also point out that buying in bulk or buying pre-preserved are also viable options.

If you’re interested in home canning, check out my friend Tonya’s site, Country Home Canning. She’s got recipes and techniques, and can help set you up with everything you need.


Take care of yourself

Self Reliance Exchange has a short article about taking care of our health. As I said, it’s short, so I’ll reprint much of it here:

…are you:

  • Getting enough sleep?
  • Exercising regularly?
  • Eating right?
  • Protecting yourself?
  • Taking your medications?
  • Seeing your doctor and dentist?

While I don’t live up to my own standards, I do believe in this. Life is stressful enough without making it more difficult by not taking care of yourself. Inversely, I deal with stress much better when I’m getting enough sleep and getting some good, solid exercise.

It’s tempting when things get tough or tight to skimp on yourself. Don’t! You can only overload yourself for so long before you give out and are no good to anyone. Take care of yourself!