Entropy on the homefront

Over the weekend I participated in a long and noble tradition: cleaning the garage. If there was ever a clear example of entropy it’s the typical garage. You work hard for a day to get it clean, and for a day or two it looks great! Then some leaves blow in from outside. Some mud on one of your car tires falls off. Someone decides to store something there, but doesn’t know where to put it. Someone uses something from the garage, but doesn’t put it back where it came from.

Then one day you realize: This garage is a mess!

Actually, I’d say maybe 50% of all garages even hold vehicles anymore. Most of them get filled up with other things until the vehicles have to park outside. I have fought that battle all my homeownered life. Occasionally I fail. Like a few weeks ago when we decided to sell the kids’ bunk beds and I stored them in the garage until they sold. My car had to park outside. Or sometimes I’ll have a woodworking project in there that takes more than a day or two.

Anyway, it’s a miracle for a garage to stay clean and organized for more than a week. And so it is I’m holding my breath and crossing my fingers. This most recent cleaning job has to make it at least two weeks!

I’ll explain more later, but we recently made some large purchases toward our emergency preparedness, and one of them has to go in the garage, in the space I cleared this weekend specifically for that purpose. Will that space still be there when it arrives?

Tune in next week…sometime…when the purchase supposedly will arrive!

The other one is supposed to arrive today. If so, I may have an initial product review to post up next week after I take it for a test drive.

UPDATE: The FedEx guy has been a frequent visitor today! First he brought something for my son. Then he brought three boxes which I thought were the shipment I was expecting today (though with considerable assembly required). And less than an hour later he brought the shipment I was expecting today in a single box that most resembles what I was expecting. So, expect some posts next week, if not sooner!

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